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Week 2 Update


During this past week, I have engineered the main functionalities of my app - fetch models, display models and project models with Augmented Reality. Here's a rundown of all the details:
  • Fetch models with URL or use the default model - the app displays an interface for picking models. The user can enter the urls themselves, or use the default wigwam model.
  • View and manipulate the model: 
    • Zoom, move and rotate model with gestures
    • Manipulate the color of the model with segmented control
    • Adjust light intensity with slider
    • Change the position of the light with a tap on the scene
    • Settings Page
      • Change the scale factor used for the AR model
      • Pick from light types: omnidirectional, directional, probe, spot or ambient
      • Pick from blend modes: add, alpha, multiply, subtract, screen or replace
      • Animations! Choose from no animation or infinite rotation
  • Project models to the real world with Augmented Reality
    • Wait until the device has found a surface to place the model.
    • This app will highlight the the plane detected by ARKit.
    • Once the plane is shown, tapping the plane will place the AR model on the plane
    • Once the model is loaded, pan gesture can be used to adjust the position of the light projected onto the model.
    • The AR model inherits all the settings from the previous SceneKit view.
Here's a few screenshots of this awesome app:

AR Plane Detection

Model Projected with AR

Model Projected with AR

Regular Model Viewer

Model Picker Page

Settings Page


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