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Showing posts from February, 2018

Week 4

Greetings again! During this past week, the focus has been on bug fixes and feature improvements. There is one new feature, however. Details are coming your way: Bug Fixes; Fixed a bug where tapping the back button on the 2D details page would crash the app. Improvements: Added an activity spinner in 2D details page to inform the user of loading the image. Added a non-floating custom header view in the settings page. Reduced the number of segments in the color segmented control from 4 to 3 in order to reduce the clutter of UI elements. Improved the JSON fetch process to only show projects in the 2D grid page. New Feature: Added a horizontally-scrollable color picker interface in the main 3D viewer to allow a greater range of color selection. Color Picker Thanks for viewing and see you next week!

Week 3

Greetings! During this week, numerous features were added to the model viewer, with focus on AR model manipulation and 2D model fetching. Details are listed below: AR Model Manipulation Zoom the model with a pinch gesture Rotate the model with a rotation gesture The user can select the axis to rotate the model on: X, Y or Z axis Fetch 2D Models, Browse 2D Models & Project 2D Models to AR Surface The applications fetches JSON from a CSDT API, parses them, and uses the data to populate a grid-like UI : 2D Model Browser After tapping on grid cell, the app enables the user to view the image in detail along with a description. The user can also view the image in AR or open the project link on the CSDT website: Details Finally, lets witness an AR Demo!

Week 2 Update

Greetings! During this past week, I have engineered the main functionalities of my app - fetch models, display models and project models with Augmented Reality. Here's a rundown of all the details: Fetch models with URL or use the default model - the app displays an interface for picking models. The user can enter the urls themselves, or use the default wigwam model. View and manipulate the model:  Zoom, move and rotate model with gestures Manipulate the color of the model with segmented control Adjust light intensity with slider Change the position of the light with a tap on the scene Settings Page Change the scale factor used for the AR model Pick from light types: omnidirectional, directional, probe, spot or ambient Pick from blend modes: add, alpha, multiply, subtract, screen or replace Animations! Choose from no animation or infinite rotation Project models to the real world with Augmented Reality Wait until the device has found a surface to place the mo...


Hi All! This is Li (I'm mostly known by my last name), and I am a new researcher joining RPI's CSTEM research group! I've been an Apple fanatic pretty much all my life, which motivated me to enter the field of iOS development and master all the concepts. Hence, I will be working on developing awesome apps for CSTEM, one of them being an app capable of projecting 3D models into the real world with technologies announced at WWDC 2017 - Augmented Reality. For this week, I'll focus on studying Apple's sample AR application, make a fork out of it in order to display our custom 3D models. I'll make another post about the progression next week. If you want to discuss with me in detail about my research, contact me at Have a wonderful week!